Profile .NET Controls Overview

The Profile .NET controls provide constituents with better self-service capabilities. Individuals can see historical information about their relationship with the organization and make changes to their record in a wide range of areas. The Profile .NET controls provide organizations a way to display user/member information that is easy to access, understand, and update.

See Also:

·            For a list of frequently asked questions for the Profile controls, refer to Frequently Asked Questions.

The File Download service operation can work over HTTPS protocol only if HTTPS is set up for both the .NET web controls and data services solutions. When only one side, either the .NET web controls or data services has HTTPS set up, file download will NOT work correctly.

The information in this section will help you to configure each of the following controls to meet the needs of your organization:

·            Addresses

·            Attachments

·            Biography

·            Biography Summary

·            Certifications Detail

·            Certifications History

·            Certifications In Progress

·            Certification Summary

·            Committees

·            Communication Preferences

·            Current Certifications

·            Current Memberships

·            DCD Audio Viewer

·            DCD ePUB Viewer

·            DCD PDF Viewer

·            DCD Video Viewer

·            Demographics

·            Demographic Information

·            Digital Content Access

·            Donation History

·            Educational Background

·            Email

·            Emergency Contacts

·            Fax

·            Future Membership

·            Name

·            Membership Renew

·            Membership Summary

·            My Account Contact Address

·            My Account Contact Email

·            My Contact Information

·            My Meetings

·            My Order Balance

·            My Subscriptions

·            Opt In/Out

·            Pay Open Balances

·            Phone

·            Photo

·            Purchase History

·            Receipt Summary

·            Saved Credit Cards

·            Special Needs

·            Transcripts

·            Username/Password

·            Web/Social Media


The recommended workflow for adding the Profile .NET Control(s) to each page is as follows:


The "My Account" section of your website should consist of multiple pages with different profile .NET control(s) on each page. Each page can have multiple profile .NET controls or just one profile .NET control on it. As a best practice, you should map out how many pages you want for your profile section, as well as which control(s) you want on each page before creating this section on your e-Business website.


For example, to create the My Account home page might have the following controls dropped on it: My Contact Information, My Meetings, My Subscriptions, My Membership Summary, and My Order Balance.


You can arrange where you would like the controls to be placed on each page. As a best practice, it is recommended that you organize each page to have controls that relate to that topic. For example, creating the Membership page and dropping the Membership Summary, Membership Renew, Current Membership, and Future Membership controls on this page. It would not make sense to drop the Communication Preferences control on this page since it does not relate to the membership topic.


After creating all the different pages and dropping the desired control(s) on each page, you would then create the Left Navigation Panel, as shown below. The Left Navigation Panel contains links that direct your user to the different pages you created for the My Profile section. For every page that you want the Left Navigation panel to display, you need to add the link to that page. For example, if you want the Left navigation panel to display on the Address page, Biography page, Certification page, you will have to add the Left Navigation panel with its links to each of those pages. See Configuring the Left Navigation Module for more information.